Posted by Kati
Is this normal? Am I abnormal? I have discovered that not only do I sleep with my mouth open (I have mastered the art of doing this without looking like a complete tool when sharing a room with friends/anyone other than Gary by simply leaving a 'little gap' between my lips - clever huh!) However I have discovered I also cycle with my mouth open! I didn't realise I did this prior to the onset of Spring (not sure it's quite here yet even though it's well over due!) Basically Spring/warmer weather seems to bring flying bugs that gravitate towards my mouth! I suspect these poor unsuspecting creatures tend to fly around like I cycle, all effort and no co-ordination.
It's a bit gross and I'm unsure of a cure (I tried closing my mouth but while a simple solution I realised its necessary for me to breath!) So any thought on this, proven cures etc would be a great help.....
get a snorkel