Saturday, 27 April 2013

Thank You 98 Days to Go

Posted by Gary

98 days until the big day, if Kati had moaned this much leading up to our other big day I would never have married her. But seriously I wouldn't change a thing because of the support we have had from friends and family, not just donating money, but encouraging gifts arriving in the post such water bottles, puncture repair kits and cycling inspired jewellery creations from creative friends. We have friends who have given up their weekends to cycle with us and so many who have already booked hotels in London so they can support us on the day.
We have raised £962 (excluding gift aid) which is fantastic considering we have over 3 months to go. Another £38 and we are in to quadruple figures, If we could get there this weekend it would be amazing. Once again a massive thank you for all your support and donations so far.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

My Bike Hates Me

Posted by Kati (well what's left of her)

It's official. There I was cycling away, turning slowly and the next minute off it chucks me. My arm went out (ouch) and my knee went down. Evil little bike. So while I'm 'whimpering' on the side of the path (thank god no one was around) Gary aka my hero finds the whole thing slightly amusing (he was smirking while trying to cox me up, I know him well enough to know that once he had established I hadn't actually broke anything his sympathy dissolved). So here's my injury. Evil bike I always knew it hated me! (I suspect the emotional scars will be ever lasting).......

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Biking with some Besties

Posted by Kati

Just a little thank you for a perfect weekend cycle with some of our nearest and dearest. Despite the fact we only had old bikes spare (Bec's came from my nan with painful seat to boot, Carly spent the first three miles with the brake permanently on and Dan's was possibly the heaviest I've ever come across) Always better to cycle with friends (it helps they encourage with gin and champagne at the end) Ace weekend and if anyone else fancies a day on a bike, the encouragement was a treat! Thanks guys much appreciated.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Fly Eating...... Not the Diet Supplement I Envisaged

Posted by Kati

Is this normal? Am I abnormal? I have discovered that not only do I sleep with my mouth open (I have mastered the art of doing this without looking like a complete tool when sharing a room with friends/anyone other than Gary by simply leaving a 'little gap' between my lips - clever huh!) However I have discovered I also cycle with my mouth open! I didn't realise I did this prior to the onset of Spring (not sure it's quite here yet even though it's well over due!) Basically Spring/warmer weather seems to bring flying bugs that gravitate towards my mouth! I suspect these poor unsuspecting creatures tend to fly around like I cycle, all effort and no co-ordination.

It's a bit gross and I'm unsure of a cure (I tried closing my mouth but while a simple solution I realised its necessary for me to breath!) So any thought on this, proven cures etc would be a great help.....

Matt Bradley Lance Tour de France Taylor

Posted by Gary

Matt has decided to extend his name to Matt Bradley Lance Tour de France Taylor. I think he has been having too many barbies and tinnies whilst working in Australia. He would be better spending his time blogging. (haha, this should get a reaction)

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Clip me on Baby!

Posted by Kati

As Gary has bought me some new cycling 'clip me on and hope for the best' shoes, this evening was the time of reckoning to test them out (After a day over at Caernarfon and the joy that is the A55 roadworks, all I wanted was a gentle cycle and a bath). Still off we went and apart from a bit of a wobble at the roundabout I pretty much coped & was grateful for the power in my feet and of the distraction they bought. Its been a rough few days and I've found cycling has opened up a whole new side of losing Simon. I can pretty much cope on a daily basis by thinking as little as possible & imagining he's just moved & a bit busy. I know it's odd but it keeps me working and able to function. However all these miles of cycling with no distractions and it's really hard not to over think & that's more painful than anything that's going on with my thighs, bum & back. I would cycle a million miles every day for the rest of my life if I could change things (with or without clips!)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Long mile cycles - is what my weekend have become!

Posted by Kati

Thought I'd write a little update about how everything's going. Basically this week along with our usual 10 milers in the week we did a 30 mile coastal cycle (with hills, that pretty much killed me). I'm feeling proud of this as I did with last weeks 35 miles. I know it's not 100 miles or even 50 but I do think it's getting slightly easier (well I am recovering faster if this means the same thing?) That's not to say it feels it while we're out! With Gary encouraging words of wisdom (at one point he actually shouted over his shoulder, "come on you t*t") and the not so encouraging wind (why oh why is it always against us on the way back when I need it the most?) but I'm getting there! My bike is working like a dream, thoughts of divorcing my trainer are getting less frequent & the saddle sore bum is taking longer to appear!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Spoilt Myself

Posted by Gary

Training went well this week, it helped that the weather is getting better and we can go out after work now the nights are lighter. Culminated in a 30 miler on Saturday. I also treated myself to some second hand brakes and carbon forks off eBay. The forks are so much lighter than the aluminium ones, now Kati wants some for her bike because she thinks I have an unfair advantage. I have to carry the water bottles now to keep her quiet, oh the joys of cycling with your wife.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Upped to 35 miles

Posted by Gary

We upped our weekend cycle to 35 miles. We felt good after 12.5 miles so we thought we should do another 5 miles before we turned back. I wish we didnt live on a mountain, because we finish with climbs all the time. And I realised we felt good half way because we had the wind behind us, so not only did we have the climbs on the way back but a head wind as well. Of course this wiped the smile off Kati's face. Kati made a video of our own version of Box Hill on the coastal path. She decided to do a bit of narration with it, I dont know why but she seemed to be narrating it for the under 5's, have a look.