Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Final Week

Posted by Kati

As we are finally into the final week everything is winding down training wise (no more evil 70 milers that make me cry) just a few 10/20/30 ones to keep the legs moving! Matty is home and we have had a few training sessions as 'Team Si' which has been great - well except now I have two super fit feisty men to contend with on the day instead of just the one! (on one trip out they were leisurely chatting about how to keep ME going as the weakest as I was killing myself at the front! Neither may I add broke a sweat while I was quietly dying)  gguuurrrrr..... however we are nearly there and none of it could have been possible without the support/sponserships/hint & tips we have had.... Your all superstars and you have done us proud. We will keep you all updated but with the total now well over £2000 we are genuinely humbled. Now we have to do our bit! Ouch! See you in London or if you can't make it check out bbc1 on Sunday for live coverage...... 

Much love 

Team Si xxxxx 

Just a few of the supportive gestures we have received in the last few months

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Team Si in our Hearts and on our Bikes

Training is winding down this week, only 30 miles today. Then put our Team Si decals on our bikes. Wish we could be putting them on Simons bike. Feel so proud to be riding the London 100 in his memory.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

70 Miles in a Mankini

70 mile cycle toady, Dyserth to Chester and back in my cycling Mankini. No wonder Kati was crying at the end of it. The last long training ride until the big day on the 4th. Going to spend the next two weeks trying to cure Kati's back ache and my dress sense. Even the cat can't look at me.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

"Why Didn't You Just Do A Raffle?"

Bumped into a friend (Badge aka Badge Makes Art - very talented chap, look him up) that we haven't seen for a while as we were doing the 60 mile training this morning. He took one look at us both and simply asked, " why didn't you do a raffle like normal people?" 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

First Time For Everything!

Having spent 14 years with this man I honestly believed he was allergic to a scrubbing brush...... Therefore shocked to find him outside not covered in hives & with a full understanding of how to work it! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Sooooo Much to Learn!

Posted by Kati

Just to give you a little insight into how much there is to this cycling. Having just done a 12 mile hill climb to 'train' for the joys that are Leith Hill, Box Hill and some other evil hill sent to try me along the route, I have endured the following pearls of wisdom from behind me......... Sit down, change gear, stand up, sit down change gear, stand up, sit down, change gear, change gear, little circles, little circles, high knees, littles circles, change gear, stand up, sit down, change gear, don't wobble, DON'T WOBBLE, change gear, stand up......... I could go on! (this is genuinely not me whining, Gary's doing an ace job of training my sorry ass & without him & his encouraging words I would be passed out on the side of the road at the first little bump, I just never knew how much there was to it!) 

My gorgeous trainer...... 

Just a photo I love of myself, Matty & Simon I thought I'd share xxxxx